to do with homosexuality. sexuality. He cited Japan a He cited Japan as a case where the economic and social structurd forced homosexuality on the individual as a matter of course.

As to the second question, nobody, but nobody, felt that homosexuals could or should be coerced into heterosexual practices. Haskell Shapiro felt that if the human race were in danger of becoming extinct, which it isn't, that homosexuals should be "persuaded" to reproduce but never coerced.


Ston Russell

Winston Reactivates

Cory Book Service

Those of you who have found it hard to fill the gap left by the demise of the Cory Book Service will be happy to know that it has been reactivated under the name of Winston Book Service, 250 Fulton Avenue, Hempstead, Long Island, New York.

Originally started by Donald Webster Cory, author of "The Homosexual in America", the Cory Book Service m de available books that dealt with homosexuality and other problems of sexual variance. The service was stopped by the sudden death of its owner over a year ago.

Quarterly Publication Time Drawing Near

Of you readers who have sent in your 50 cents for the quarterly publication which will embody the first three issues of THE LADDER, we ask your indulgence and patience.

We hope within the next several months to be able to print and mail this publication. Our energies recently have been used up in moving to our new offices and in publishing THE LADDER. Now that we are achieving a semblance of order we hope to have the quarterly out very soon.

If you want a copy of the quarterly please let us know. Single copies are 50 cents. If you are already a subscriber but didn't receive the first three issues let us know and we will start your subscription with the quarterly.